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Consultations / Psych Assessments

“You are one of the more difficult patients I have worked with.”

“I don’t know what else I can do for you.”

If you have heard these words from your doctor or nurse practitioner, it is incredibly possible that you have been misdiagnosed or given the wrong medication. A second opinion will be well worth your time.

Dr. Adam Pendleton offers a detailed psychiatric assessment – which includes his own intake notes – to give you a more solid understanding of your mental health and any underlying conditions you may be facing.

Additionally, he will propose a treatment option and schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss your progress or offer a secondary treatment option.

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Psychiatric Assessments

A psychiatric assessment is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by a psychiatrist, to gather information about an individual’s mental health status, symptoms, and overall well-being. The assessment aims to understand the person’s psychological, emotional, and behavioral functioning. The specific components of a psychiatric assessment may vary, but generally, it includes the following elements:

    • Clinical Interview: A face-to-face conversation between the mental health professional and the individual seeking assessment. This interview explores various aspects of the person’s life, including current stressors, personal history, family dynamics, work, relationships, and specific mental health symptoms.
    • Mental Status Examination (MSE): A structured assessment of cognitive and emotional functioning, including appearance, behavior, thought processes, mood, affect, perceptions, cognitive functioning, insight, and judgment.
    • Biopsychosocial History: Gathering information about the individual’s medical history, including any physical health conditions, medications, and substance use. Additionally, exploring psychosocial factors such as life events, traumas, and environmental stressors that may contribute to the current mental health concerns.
    • Symptom Assessment: Evaluating the presence and severity of specific symptoms related to mental health disorders. This may include inquiries about mood disturbances, anxiety, psychotic symptoms, sleep patterns, appetite changes, and other relevant symptoms.
    • Diagnostic Evaluation: Based on the information collected, the mental health professional may formulate a diagnostic impression, identifying any mental health disorders or conditions that may be contributing to the individual’s symptoms.
    • Risk Assessment: Evaluating any potential risk factors, such as self-harm, suicide ideation, or harm to others. This assessment is crucial for developing an appropriate safety plan if necessary.
    • Collateral Information: In some cases, the mental health professional may seek information from family members, caregivers, or other healthcare providers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individual’s situation.
    • Treatment Planning: Collaboratively developing a treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs. This may involve medication management, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, or a combination of interventions.

Psychiatric assessments are fundamental in guiding appropriate interventions and providing a foundation for ongoing mental health care. They help mental health professionals make accurate diagnoses, understand the individual’s unique context, and formulate effective treatment plans to promote mental well-being.